Crime of quasi pillage is a special form of crime of pillage. 准抢劫罪是抢劫罪的一种特殊形式。
The target included and excluded in the crime of pillage was studied in the juridic practice and some new views were produced. 结合司法实践研究了抢劫犯罪所应包括和不应包括的对象,提出了一些新的见解。
Crime of pillage and offense of snatching not only greatly affect social public order but also lower people's sense of security. 抢劫、抢夺犯罪极大地影响到社会治安形势,使人民群众的安全感迅速下降。
During the kidnapping even someone has robbed the person who is kidnapped of immense amount of treasure, he can't be put to death according to the crime of pillage. 绑架过程中劫走被绑架人财物,即使数额巨大,也不能以抢劫罪判处死刑;
The cognizance of eight aggravating circumstances in the crime of pillage. 第三部分,抢劫罪八种加重情节的认定。
Transferring crime of pillage. On Applicability of Transformed Robbery 第四部分,转化型抢劫。论转化型抢劫罪的适用
Comments on the Constitutions of Quasi Pillage ( 4) Transferring crime of pillage. 论准抢劫罪之构成要件第四部分,转化型抢劫。
From my research, I think: 1 、 The object of crime of pillage includes person and property. 抢劫罪的对象包括人身与财物。
To punish and take precautions of crime of pillage are always paid great attention in all countries around the world. 惩治与防范抢劫罪历来为世界各国法律所重视。
As one of the most serious crime trespassing property and personal rights, crime of pillage has been always the key striking object. 抢劫罪作为严重侵害人身与财产权利的一种犯罪,自古以来就是刑法打击的重点。